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Monthly Donation Options

Create Your Own Recurring Donation

Be sure to enter your desired donation amount and click the RECURRING PAYMENT option at checkout.

If you wish for your gift to benefit a specific project or person, please use the “Add special instructions” section of the online donation form on the Review Your Donation step to specify.

Feel free to use your secure PayPal account to make a donation at your convenience; however, an account is not required to make a one-time donation, and log-in can be bypassed by clicking “Continue” under “Don’t have a PayPal Account?” in the bottom left corner after clicking the Donate button.

* If you are planning to give a large donation, please consider mailing a check to help us avoid large merchant fees and ensure that your money reaches those who need it most.

To make a unique, recurring tax-deductible donation, please use the middle box labeled “Make a Custom Recurring Donation.” This option requires using a PayPal account.

To use our preset (Small/Medium/Large), recurring tax-deductible form, please use the box on the right labeled “Make a Recurring Donation.” This option requires using a PayPal account.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Silent Images using a check, please make the check out to SILENT IMAGES, write “DONATION” in the memo and mail to:

Silent Images
P.O Box 667
Matthews, NC 28106

Silent Images is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit; your donation is tax-deductible and will be verified with a tax write-off letter upon our receipt of your donation.

If you would like to see our 990 form and tax records, they are available for reviewing at Our tax ID number is 33 116 4224.